Obstetrician gynecologist at Fetal Surgery Center, NL Mother and Child Hospital
Obstetrician, Fetal Medicine
Dr. Esteban Lizarraga, a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine dedicated to prenatal diagnosis and monitoring the development and evolution of pregnancy, integrating fetal medicine as part of prenatal control. Dr. Esteban Lizarraga Certified by the Board of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Certified by the Board of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation. Dr. Esteban Lizarraga, Owner of a private obstetrics and gynecology practice in Monterrey that provides comprehensive and humanized care focused on the obstetric care of a patient who seeks and desires a PRO BIRTH birth. The objective of the unit and the department of maternal-fetal medicine is to offer excellent medical care for the fetus and the pregnant woman with the aim of preventing adverse perinatal outcomes. We are a treatment and consultation service with the purpose of granting and providing high quality care through the different departments and clinics with the highest level of resources available.
Professional Experience
Owner of a private obstetrics and gynecology practice in Monterrey
Member of Pro Parto Labor & Care
Member of Fetal Health Institute
Obstetrician gynecologist at Fetal Surgery Center, NL Mother and Child Hospital
Fetal therapy and surgery at the Fetal Health Institute
Fellow in Intrapartum Ultrasound
COMEGO: Certificate by Mexican college of gynecologist and obstetrics and Certificate by college of maternal and fetal medicine
Directing Member of the Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Femecog
PHS medical trainer of obstetrics emergencies courses
Social service gynecologist and obstetrics at general hospital of Valladolid Yucatan SSA
Service of Perinatology and fetal maternal medicine march at Hospital Maternal and Infant N.L
Gynecology and obstetric guards at Hospital Christus Muguerza South
Comprehensive gynecology-obstetrics S.C Department of maternal and fetal medicine
Fetal surgery and prenatal diagnosis HRMI Fetal therapy, investigation center, and prenatal diagnosis Coordinator
Graduate of GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS from the National Institute of Perinatology UNAM
MATERNAL FETAL MEDICINE Subspecialty National Institute of Perinatology UNAM
Participant of multiple congress at speaker, organizing committee in gynecologist obstetrics and fetal medicine
Author of Intracranial Translucency, Its Use as a Potential First Trimester Ultrasound Marker for Screening of Neural Tube Defects
Author Fetal surgery for obstructive ureterocele using an ultrasound-guided needle laser ablation technique
Co-author of Does sonographic assessment of fetal head flexion in occiput posterior fetuses at start of second stage of labor predict persistent occiput posterior position?: prospective study. Ramirez Zegarra R, Dall'Asta A, Di Pasquo E, Morganelli G, Falcone V, Lizarraga Cepeda E, Falvo G, Bontempo P, Kiener AJO, Fieni S, Ghi T. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Aug 23. doi: 10.1002/uog.27461. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37610831.
Co-Author of Intracranial Translucency, Its Use as a Potential First Trimester Ultrasound Marker for Screening of Neural Tube Defects Sepúlveda-González G, Arroyo-Lemarroy T, Basurto D, Davila I, Lizárraga-Cepeda E, Guerra-de la Garza Evia AR , Alcázar-Juárez A. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Nov 22;10(11):986. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10110986. PMID: 33266467; PMCID: PMC7700296.
Co-Author Fetal surgery for obstructive ureterocele using an ultrasound-guided needle laser ablation technique SepĂşlveda-González G, Villagomez-MartĂnez GE, Arroyo-Lemarroy T, Hinojosa-Lezama JM, Lizarraga-Cepeda E, Martinez-Portilla RJ. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022 Dec;35(25):9857-9863. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2022.2061345. Epub 2022 Apr 10. PMID: 35403539.
Medical Degree Autonomous University of Nuevo LeĂłn Faculty of Medicine
Master in gynecologist and obstetrics Autonomous University of Mexico, INPer Headquarters
Master in maternal and fetal medicine Autonomous University of Mexico, INPer Headquarters
Master in gynecologist and obstetrics, National Institute of Perinatology
Postgrade Master in fetal and maternal medicine National Institute of Perinatology, UNIMEF
Member at Nuevo LeĂłn college of GYO and maternal and fetal medicine
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Twin transfusion syndrome
High risk pregnancy
Glucose intolerance during pregnancy
Intrauterine growth restriction
HELLP syndrome
Teenage pregnancy
Fetal transfusion syndrome
Anatomical ECHO
Maternal-fetal monitoring
3D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
Anatomical ultrasound
Obstetric ultrasound
First visit Gynecology and Obstetrics
Successive visits Gynecology and Obstetrics
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